Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy Monday! (ie, congrats for not failing your diet this weekend!)

So, weighed myself this morning as I do every morning (yes, it's a bad habit- I know!) Anways, weighed in 2 lbs less than Friday meaning my weekend wasn't a horrible catastrophe like it has been the past couple weeks so with any luck by Friday's "official" weigh-in I'll have kept it off.

In the meantime I'm feeling pretty damn good about myself. I mean 10 lbs in 4 weeks. That's an average of 2.5lbs per week. Not too fast, not too slow but just right. I don't want to rush this stuff & rebound or anything horrible as in "diets" past.

I tried 2% milk Sunday night too. You'd think it'd be no big deal except that it was. I was 3 1/2 weeks into drinking almond milk. Good grief, once you get used to something you REALLY get used to something. That milk tasted nasty. I tried a sip of soda too. No thanks! I'll stick with MY foods/drinks. I'm loving this diet, loving my food choices, and best of all I'm not starving all the time!

For me this is a lifestyle change. 

  • I've started adding flax seed in small amounts to my diet. Heard some really good things about it so why not.
  • I'm also shopping vegan & gluten free products now. Still checking the backs of those packages though. Be warned. Just because it's vegan or gluten free does not make it a better product. The vegan cheese is pretty damned delish though. ^_^
Some more lunch photos. I've started making bento boxes for lunch. Not only does it make me pay attention to that all important portion control but I'm also having fun making lunch. Instead of food being a chore, it's fun. I'm still making sure I get that salad in for dinner too!
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Has anyone read this blog yet? She's got some nifty ideas:

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Skinny Rules

I LOVE eating salad for dinner.

I like to add some shredded chicken breast or a hard boiled egg for some protein. Eggs are a good source of vitamins, proteins and minerals and since they're hard boiled don't use any additional fats in their preparation.
Cucumbers are a must because they contain about 95% of water and 5% of dietary fiber. Cucumber's have a positive effect on digestive system and also provide cleaner skin and are often the basis of cleaning and whitening cosmetic lotions and masks. They're a good weight loss vegetable because they're low in calories.
I also add a few cherry tomatoes for good measure since are rich in fiber and water therefore, filling enough to control hunger.
Lastly, I add a couple mushrooms. When you're trying to lose weight, calories are the name of the game. And mushrooms provide a big blast of deliciousness for very few calories. When watching your weight, it's important to take out the fat, not the flavor. They also provide iron, riboflavin, and niacin; offer decent amounts of potassium, selenium, copper, and zinc; and they are also full of fiber.

Something else I've been doing is planning one day per week as a "meatless" day. Monday in my world has become Meatless Monday. It's not hard to do when you have peanut butter, eggs, & soy products. Vegan products have come a long way since when I was in high school & trying to be fit. Gluten free products are really tasty too!

The important thing with any diet though is to keep track of your calorie counts are well as your nutrients. I can't emphasize enough how much I'm loving My Fitness Pal.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I am you

I am a person blessed with good health, with no visible physical ailments or disabilities except for the fact that I am obese.

I am a person with too many damn excuses.

I am was you.

I am changing and I like it.

Thursday, July 26, 2012262 lbs
Friday, August 3, 2012259 lbs
Friday, August 10,2012255 lbs
Friday, August 17,2012254 lbs

I plan to lose a whole lot more.

Simple changes I have made that have resulted in weight loss:
  • I have eliminated carbonated beverages from my diet. I am no longer a 2-3 soda per day person.
  • I no longer drink Monster or any other "energy" drinks.
  • I started using using the My Fitness Pal app on my phone to track my calorie intake.
  • I have started working out on a daily basis with a goal to work out AT LEAST 30 minutes per day.
  • I have started drinking Silk Almond milk as well as eating Chobani yogurt and love them both.
  • I have started snacking healthier. I now eat berries and/or an apple a day and I eat salads as often as I can.
That food pyramid thing actually makes sense.

Here's one of my dinner bentos.

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