I LOVE eating salad for dinner.
I like to add some shredded chicken breast or a hard boiled egg for some protein. Eggs are a good source of vitamins, proteins and minerals and since they're hard boiled don't use any additional fats in their preparation.
Cucumbers are a must because they contain about 95% of water and 5% of dietary fiber. Cucumber's have a positive effect on digestive system and also provide cleaner skin and are often the basis of cleaning and whitening cosmetic lotions and masks. They're a good weight loss vegetable because they're low in calories.
I also add a few cherry tomatoes for good measure since are rich in fiber and water therefore, filling enough to control hunger.
Lastly, I add a couple mushrooms. When you're trying to lose weight, calories are the name of the game. And mushrooms provide a big blast of deliciousness for very few calories. When watching your weight, it's important to take out the fat, not the flavor. They also provide iron, riboflavin, and niacin; offer decent amounts of potassium, selenium, copper, and zinc; and they are also full of fiber.
Something else I've been doing is planning one day per week as a "meatless" day. Monday in my world has become Meatless Monday. It's not hard to do when you have peanut butter, eggs, & soy products. Vegan products have come a long way since when I was in high school & trying to be fit. Gluten free products are really tasty too!
The important thing with any diet though is to keep track of your calorie counts are well as your nutrients. I can't emphasize enough how much I'm loving My Fitness Pal.

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